Belugas in Long Island Sound

Last month, Long Island Sound was greeted by the presence of some unusual visitors. On May 10th, three young beluga whales were spotted off of Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island. The trio moved further in to Long Island Sound, eventually resting near Fairfield, Connecticut and drifting along shorelines. Their presence in the Sound was not natural for their migratory routes, and they were thought to have followed food down from their Canadian waters. The Animal Rescue Program at Mystic Aquarium took charge of tracking the belugas, and warned boaters to turn off their propellers when the whales approached. The friendly trio was often seen rubbing against vessels and glancing up at the passengers—a special treat for regular boaters.

While some believed the whales to be stranded in Long Island Sound, marine biologists crossed their fingers in the hopes that they would find their way out. As of May 22nd, the belugas were seen venturing east out of the Sound, hopefully toward their normal ranges. The trio appeared to be healthy and unharmed after their detour; however, any boaters who happen upon the whales are still warned to steer clear of them to keep from harming or scaring them off course.

The trio’s adventure was an extraordinary happenstance for the Sound—but one that many Long Islanders won’t soon forget!