Fall Adventure Series
After-School Sailing at SoundWaters
The SoundWaters Fall Adventure Series offers students the opportunity to get outside after school and have fun sailing, socializing with their peers, and learning the science of Long Island Sound.
The program meets once a week for eight weeks at SoundWaters in Cove Island Park.
Financial Assistance: This program is open to all children and financial assistance is available.
Grades 1-5
This eight-session program will provide a fun escape while students enjoy outdoor activities in a natural environment. Each session will present a new adventure in or near the water as students explore the diverse habitats of the coast of Long Island Sound. Meeting the many creatures that inhabit these special habitats is sure to be a highlight! Grades 1-5 can choose to sail on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, or both days.
Program Location: SoundWaters in Cove Island Park, Stamford
Session dates:
4:00pm – 6:00pm
September 10 – October 29
$300 per child*
4:00pm – 6:00pm
September 11 – October 30
$300 per child*
* Financial Assistance: This program is open to all children and financial assistance is available. To request financial assistance, complete this form before you register and we will contact you.
Open to 20 children per day.
Grades 6-8
This eight-session program will provide a fun escape while students enjoy outdoor activities in a natural environment. Sailing is a terrific way to be physically active, develop new skills, and learn to work together with teammates. Students will sail on Fevas and each session will present a new adventure in or near the water as students explore the diverse habitats of the coast of Long Island Sound. Grades 6-8 sail only on Thursdays.
Program Location: SoundWaters in Cove Island Park, Stamford
Session dates:
4:00pm – 6:00pm
September 12 – October 31
$300 per child*
* Financial Assistance: This program is open to all children and financial assistance is available. To request financial assistance, complete this form before you register and we will contact you.
Open to 20 children per day.
Questions or Concerns? Contact us directly! You can reach us at (203) 323-1978×1000