Kayak Coastal Cleanups
UPDATE: All kayak slots are booked. Join us for one of our Coastal Cleanups this Fall.
FREE Kayaking…to Clean the Harbor
*** This Saturday, September 11 Only ***
Use SoundWaters Kayaks to Clean Stamford Harbor following Hurricane Ida
The public is invited to join SoundWaters this Saturday, September 11, in an effort to clean up Stamford Harbor following the remnants of Hurricane Ida that hit our region last week. The eight inches of rain that fell on Stamford in just a few hours caused significant runoff of debris into Stamford Harbor. Once in the water, the only way to clear the debris is from the water, in this case, from SoundWaters kayaks.
Each kayak will be equipped with a net or trash picker and a bucket so paddlers can safely remove whatever trash they find. All trash collected will be weighed and held for disposal by the City of Stamford. The last kayaks of the day will launch at 2pm.
Saturday’s clean-up will be the culmination of a summer-long partnership between SoundWaters and Stamford-based non-profit, Building One Community, to provide recent immigrants access to the benefits of Long Island Sound and to engage immigrant families in environmental advocacy.
Registration for single and double kayaks is FREE, but spots are limited. All participants must be at 18 years of age or accompanied by an adult.
Reservations are required.
Questions: rentals@soundwaters.org