Entries by soundwaters

Terrapin Times – Week of July 25

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to receive the weekly Terrapin Times.  Read stories of their recent adventures, get updates on their growth and health, and get terrapin facts. Read this week’s update below and sign up here.e for the Terrapin Times mailing list.

Terrapin Times – Week of July 18

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to receive the weekly Terrapin Times.  Read stories of their recent adventures, get updates on their growth and health, and get terrapin facts. Read this week’s update below and sign up here for the Terrapin Times mailing list.  

Terrapin Times – Week of July 11

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to receive the weekly Terrapin Times.  Read stories of their recent adventures, get updates on their growth and health, and get terrapin facts. Read this week’s update below and sign up here for the Terrapin Times mailing list.

Terrapin Times – Week of July 4

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to receive the weekly Terrapin Times.  Read stories of their recent adventures, get updates on their growth and health, and get terrapin facts. Read this week’s update below and sign up here for the Terrapin Times mailing list.

Terrapin Times – Week of June 27

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to receive the weekly Terrapin Times.  Read stories of their recent adventures, get updates on their growth and health, and get terrapin facts. Read this week’s update below and sign up here for the Terrapin Times mailing list.  

Sharpie and Pungy Schooners in Cold Springs Harbor

The schooner SoundWaters sailed over to Cold Spring Harbor this morning to sail with CSH Boat Club sailors. After tacking around the harbor the students steered SoundWaters by the Pungy Schooner Lady Maryland. Pungy schooners in the Chesapeake Bay,  like sharpie schooners in Long Island Sound, were coastal work boats that would harvest and deliver […]

Terrapin Times – Week of June 20

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to receive the weekly Terrapin Times.  Read stories of their recent adventures, get updates on their growth and health, and get terrapin facts. Read this week’s update below and sign up here for the Terrapin Times mailing list.

Thank You UBS!

Thanks so much to the team from UBS for joining us on Friday to help get the Harbor Campus ready for the campers arriving today.  They put a fresh coat of paint on the new portable classroom, added a big pop of color with the container gardens, helped to move the small boats out to […]

Terrapin Times

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to receive the weekly Terrapin Times.  Read stories of their recent adventures, get updates on their growth and health, and get terrapin facts. Read this week’s update below and sign up here for the Terrapin Times mailing list.

Thank You UBS!

Thanks so much to UBS for all your hard work on Friday at the Harbor Campus! The old fence surronding the Harbor Campus came down in record time, the dock is almost ready for the small boats, the small have been cleaned, and the small boat pen has never looked better. Thanks so much for all […]