SoundKids – Pre School
SoundKids is an early education program that enables preschool children to experience hands-on coastal education activities in the classroom and outdoors. SoundKids is a highly regarded program focused on providing children with core science, math and communication skills through problem solving, animal interactions, stories and crafts. Developing these critical skills helps to create a solid academic foundation for students and offers them an introduction to the coveted Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) curriculum. During six classroom sessions and one field trip to the SoundWaters Coastal Education Center, students perform hands-on experiments and activities to grow their understanding of the natural world.
The SoundKids curriculum is an interdisciplinary collaboration between science, reading, math and art. This combination nurtures students’ creativity, academic skills and curiosity all at the same time. Each hands-on session of SoundKids focuses on:
Science: By examining and sorting shells, making brackish water, and experiencing a hands-on encounter with animals, children will use their senses to compare and contrast, and make observations and predictions.
Math: Counting, sorting and recognizing the value of numbers are important skills students need to master early on. From counting the legs on a Horseshoe Crab to sorting and counting shells, each session contains multiple math components to help increase mathematical literacy.
Art: Concentrating on the day’s theme, students will exercise their creativity by using different colors, textures and materials to craft a related project. Displayed projects then stand as a reminder to the children of the animal or concept learned that day.
Reading: Stimulating the students’ minds and imaginations through investigations of fictional stories, students are read to out loud as a group. Books focus on an animal from the local environment, a specific adaptation or a coastal habitat relative to the session.