Entries by soundwaters

Rippowam students explore the watershed!

Our 6th grade scientists began their school year by investigating the properties of the Long Island Sound and the creatures that inhabit it; now they are investigating the ways in which people can affect the Sound, even from far away. Next, they will use the data they’ve collected and the results of their experiments to […]

Hard work pays off!

Alexandra Walker, a Junior at the Academy of Information Technology and Engineering, has been volunteering with SoundWaters through the high school internship program since December 2014. After completing the school year program, Alex extended her time at SoundWaters as a volunteer with the summer camp this past summer. She assisted camp staff with various activities […]

How Many Arms Do YOU Have?

Above shows a picture from a visit that our Education team took to one of the Childcare Learning Centers in Stamford this past December.  This is a picture on the first day where the children were taught about the seastar and its many unique qualities! The Education team here at SoundWaters visits the CLC classes […]

Live Media Session with Camp SoundWaters Directors!

On January 26 from 3:00-5:00pm Facebook, Twitter, email or call the Camp SoundWaters Director, Administrative Director, and Waterfront Director. All three directors will be there to answer any of your Camp SoundWaters questions! The Early Registration Discount ends of February 29, 2016.  This year at Camp SoundWaters there will be camp wide themes with new […]

6th Grade Scientists!

This week SoundWaters began the in-school portion of the Stamford Public Schools 6th grade program. The students participated in two activities learning about how the Earth acts as a filter as well as a pH lab. Students enjoyed the hands-on activities and learned a ton!

SoundGeneration Career Night

SoundGeneration will be kicking off the new year with a Career Night on January 25 from 4:30pm-5:30pm at the SoundWaters Coastal Center at Cove Island Park. Career Night is focusing on all the different aspects of the science field ranging from sports medicine to shark research. It will be a fun night with many opportunities […]

Another successful fall!

As the SoundWaters education team wraps up the fall season, we are so thankful to have worked with over 290 classes from September- December. We shared some great memories with our preschool SoundKids, our elementary explorers, and our middle school coastal explorers! We look forward to an exciting spring with even more students!!

SoundWaters Sailing Academy Up Close!

It may be Winter but we’re always thinking about sailing here at SoundWaters!  Above shows another picture of a student who participated in the SoundWaters Sailing Academy after school program this past Fall.  In the picture, he was carrying the sail assembly to the boat he wanted to sail that day.  Students have the opportunity […]

What a difference a year makes!

On the left is a picture taken one year ago, when the terrapin hatchlings first arrived at SoundWaters. On the right is a recent picture of the same terrapin in an identical cup! They’ve grown so much this past year; we’ve continually updated their habitats to suit them at every age. Stay tuned to see […]

Now you see me, now you don’t!

Flounders use their unique color patterns and body shape to completely camouflage in the sand. They can even change the color of their body to help with this defense mechanism. How many flounder can you see in this video? flounder camouflage from SoundWaters on Vimeo.