Terrapin Times – Week of July 25

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to…

STEM Academy embarks on a new adventure!

For the past three years, STEM Academy students have spent their…

Terrapin Times – Week of July 18

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to…

REACH for the Sound!

Students from the REACH Newtown program spent the week at SoundWaters…

Sharks Flying Spinnaker

Our advanced sailors in the Sharks camp group had a special day…

Terrapin Times – Week of July 11

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to…

Our Youngest Campers Meet Our Youngest Terrapin!

Here at Camp SoundWaters, our campers love meeting the creatures…

Paddle your own canoe!

Students at Young Mariners Academy have been hard at work all…

Terrapin Times – Week of July 4

Love the Terrapins? Join the fan club! Give us your email to…

Chester Addison visits SoundWaters

Today, the 3rd grade students of Chester Addison Community Center…