Entries by soundwaters

Mural Madness with SoundKids!

Our SoundKids are at it again! Our little scientists have created a mural for their classrooms to showcase all the animals they have discovered. Given a science or art, our preschoolers always excel in their challenge! Maple Avenue and Franklin Commons Childcare Learning Centers’ SoundKids program have officially wrapped up today. Their preschoolers can now educate you about all the animals, […]

The SoundKids Adventure Continues!

Franklin Commons Pre-School students learned all about the world of seastars, bivalves, and univalves yesterday! What is a univalve you ask…….well the preschoolers of Franklin Commons can tell you! In the picture, one of SoundWaters’ curious little scientists is discovering what a clam is! Every SoundKids program has a special science experiment section, in this case they are learning about the […]

The World of Flatfish and Aquaponics

The SoundWaters education team set off to expand our knowledge yesterday! Three educators attended the 14th Flatfish Biology Conference yesterday in Westbrook,  CT. There we learned about flatfish species locally (Long Island Sound) and globally (Gambia, West Africa).  Fun fact: During daylight Winter flounder stay sedentary,  but at night they come alive and migrate to new locations! The other […]

4th Grade Ecologists at Hart Elementary School say Happy Thanksgiving!

The students, or should I say ecologists, at Hart Elementary School just learned all about the deciduous forest. The 4th grade ecologists learned about the climate,animals, and location of the deciduous forest in their after-school program with SoundWaters. They made some wonderful Thanksgiving Turkeys in honor of Thanksgiving and their recent ecological discoveries! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  

SoundKids meet a Diamond Back Terrapin!

SoundKids are making new discoveries! Maple Avenue Pre-School children learned all about our favorite Diamond Back Terrapin, Cony this week. They discovered how special the Diamond Back Terrapin is, due to the fact that this is the only turtle that can live its’ entire life in brackish water. The SoundKids at Maple Avenue were able to meet […]

SoundWaters Visits Stamford’s Youngest Scientists!

Do you know what the word brackish means? The preschoolers of Stamford do! This week SoundKids have started to explore Long Island Sound. SoundKids is SoundWaters Preschool science exploration program. During this multi-week program, SoundWaters educators will be visiting 12 classrooms in 5 schools, using live animals, science, and art to learn all about Long Island Sound. This […]

We were framed!

The Schooner frame cover was completed on Friday.    

Starwood Hotels and Resort Helps Wrap Up the Waterfront

A special thanks to the 25 volunteers from Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide who made a difference at SoundWaters on Wednesday! SoundWaters benefited from the generosity of Starwood who lent us time,energy and hands-on muscle power to close down our waterfront for the season. Starwood volunteers scrubbed, removed old decals, and prepared the Optis for the winter […]

Molting Spider Crabs!

The spider crabs are molting in the SoundWaters aquarium! Spider crabs contain an exoskeleton that protects them from predators. As they grow, the exoskeleton becomes too tight and they have to molt.  This is when a spider crab climbs out of its hard exoskeleton and grows a larger one. Depending on the age of the crab, they can go 2 […]