Entries by soundwaters

Striking sail after a training sail

The new crew of the Schooner SoundWaters is taking advantage of the nicer weather for  training sails.  Education sails begin the week of April 15.  Public sails begin June 21.

Field science in all weather!

Eighth grade students from Rippowam bundle up for a day in the field at the Mianus River.  Students sampled and analyzed the water, took soil cores, and measured flow rate of the river as part of their watershed study.

Happy Spring!

While it may not like feel like it – spring is here! The schooner crew arrived yesterday and they are already hard at work prepping the boat for the upcoming season.

Hooray we did it!

Bluefish campers navigated throughout Holly Pond to reach a secret destination. Come back this summer for a new session geared towards canoeing adventures! Learn all the skills it takes to become an expert on the water.   Sign up soon!

Business & Environment Upcoming Programs

You are invited to attend SoundWaters upcoming Business & Environment Programs. March 25,  Clean Energy Incentives, Noon – 1:30 pm,  Purdue Pharma, Stamford,  . . . April 11, Using Technology to Study Long Island Sound, 5:30 – 7:30 pm, UBS, Stamford.

February 2013: SoundWaters engages imagination of young scientists

Separating ink colors through chromatography experiments, testing water samples from Holly Pond, dissecting squid and learning alongside adult scientists captured the imaginations of nearly 80 girls during their winter break at SoundWaters annual Science Stars program, created specifically for girls interested in science. These 3rd to 7th grade students, all from Stamford, exchanged a week […]

January 2013: SoundWaters shares teaching methods with area environmental educators

SoundWaters educators shared teaching methods with other environmental education groups at the 3rd Annual REED (“Regional Environmental Educator Day”.) Drawing upon our creative science-based curriculum, educators presented hands-on activities that showcase our use of water quality and Long Island Sound animals as examples of teaching tools designed for all age groups. With elementary school students, […]

December 2012: SoundWaters brings coastal education to Eastern Long Island Sound

SoundWaters educators took our acclaimed coastal education program eastward, bringing marine science experiments and live animals to every seventh grader from Old Saybrook Middle School. Over two days, a total of 60 students convened at the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge in Westbrook to conduct field research about their local watershed. The refuge sits […]

November 2012: SoundWaters thanks its friends, supporters and partners

As SoundWaters and the region continue to dig out from Hurricane Sandy, we are especially fortunate to have such a wide range of friends and supporters. From the first day following the storm, our high school interns and volunteers, their families, visitors to Cove Island Park and Board members joined our staff and crew to […]

Ready, Set, Jump!

Pico sailors will have a blast swimming in Long Island Sound. Sailing on hot summer days, nothing can beat jumping off the boat with your friends! Join us again for more exciting trips out on the water. Put your sailing skills to the test and see if you have what it takes to be a pico […]