Human Impact
Humans are dependent on all earth systems, which are connected. Discover the positive and negative effects that result from our use of the environment and ways we can mitigate these changes.
Lesson Modules
• Earth Systems
• Marine Debris
• Microplastics
• Water Movement
• Resource Management
NGSS Alignments
Earth’s Systems: 2-ESS2-1; 2-ESS2-2; 2-ESS2-3
Weather and Climate: 3-ESS3-3
Energy: 4-ESS3-1
Earth’s Systems: 4-ESS1-1; 4-ESS2-1; 4-ESS3-2
Earth’s Systems: 5-ESS2-1, 5-ESS2-2; 5-ESS3-1
Human Impacts: MS-ESS3-3
Oysters provide an important service for Long Island Sound. Discover the role they play to the ecosystem and as a marine industry.
Lesson Modules
• What is a mollusk?
• Oyster anatomy
• Oyster Reefs
• Threats to the eastern oyster
• Bioremediation
NGSS Alignments
Ecosystems: 3-LS2-1
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: 3-LS4-3; 3-LS4-4
Structure, Function, and Information Processing: 4-LS1-1
Earth and Human Activity: 5-ESS3-1
Ecosystems: 5-LS2-1
Earth and Human Activity: 5-ESS3
Structures and Processes: MS-LS1-3
Ecosystems: MS-LS2-4; MS-LS2-5
Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy and Dynamics: HS-LS2.C, HS-LS2-7
Biodiversity and Humans: HS-LS4.D
Earth’s Systems: 4-ESS1-1; 4-ESS2-1; 4-ESS3-2
Earth’s Systems: 5-ESS2-1, 5-ESS2-2; 5-ESS3-1
Human Impacts: MS-ESS3-3
Oysters Sample Sites:
Grades 3-5
class code: fubdokk
Grades 6-8
class code: pnse3fd
High School
class code: tlxva2g
Physical Oceanography
Bodies of water around the earth are affected by many different factors that also affect the living organisms. Take a closer look at some of these factors and discover how the animals of Long Island Sound are affected by them daily.
Lesson Modules
• Introduction to Oceanography
• Properties of Water
• Tides
• Waves
• Currents + Gyres
NGSS Alignments
Waves and Information: 4-PS4-1;
Structure and Properties of Matter: 5-PS1-3
Earth and the Solar System: 5-ESS1-2
Earth’s Place in the Universe: MS-ESS1-1
Earth’s Systems: MS-ESS2-6
Physical Oceanography Sample Sites:
Grades 3-5
class code: 54clnvk
Grades 6-8
class code: hvsebnw
Marine Ecosystems
Bodies of water around the earth are affected by many different factors that also affect the living organisms. Take a closer look at some of these factors and discover how the animals of Long Island Sound are affected by them daily.
Lesson Modules
Living and Non-Living Components (Biotic vs Abiotic)
Coastal Habitats
Freshwater Bioindicators
Population Dynamics
Coastal and Marine Plants
NGSS Alignments
Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems: MS-LS2-1; MS-LS2-3; MS-LS2-4
Independent Relationships in Ecosystems: MS-LS2-2; MS-LS2-5
Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms: MS-LS1-5
Marine Ecosystems Sample Sites:
Grades 3-5
class code: 5cncoee
Grades 6-8
class code: kcos64t
Climate Change
Bodies of water around the earth are affected by many different factors that also affect the living organisms. Take a closer look at some of these factors and discover how the animals of Long Island Sound are affected by them daily.
Lesson Modules
Weather vs. Climate
Greenhouse Gases
Sea Level Rise
Alternative Energy
NGSS Alignments
Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems: MS-LS2-1; MS-LS2-3; MS-LS2-4
Independent Relationships in Ecosystems: MS-LS2-2; MS-LS2-5
Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms: MS-LS1-5
Climate Change Sample Sites:
Grades 3-5
class code: jaohvmi
Grades 6-8
class code: olkyfvz
Physics & Engineering
Engineering and physics are used to solve many problems in the environment. Discover how humans have adapted these concepts to protect the environment as well as travel above and below the water.
Lesson Modules
• Environmental Engineering
• Marine Engineering
•Biomimicry (3-5)/Bioinspired Design (6-8)
• Simple machines
•Bernoulli’s Principle & the Coriolis Effect
NGSS Alignments
Forces and Interactions: 3-PS2-1; 3-PS2-2
Motion and Stability: 3-PS2-2
Energy: 4-ESS3-1
Earth’s Systems: 4-ESS3-2
Earth and Human Activity: 5-ESS3-1
Physics & Engineering Sample Sites:
Grades 3-5
class code: 53dacmq
Grades 6-8
class code: vq5jrkz
Whether talking about a whole animal or the parts that make it work, all living organisms come from the same basic things. Compare examples of plants and animals to discover how their unique systems of organization help them survive!
Lesson Modules
Introduction to Biology
Circulatory System (3-5)/Vascular System (6-8)
Digestive System
Life Cycles
NGSS Alignments
Inheritance and Variation of Traits: 3-LS1-1, 3-LS3-1
Unity and Diversity: 3-LS4-2
Structure, Function, and Information Processing: 4-LS1-1
Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems: 5-LS1-1
From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes: MS-LS1-1, MS-LS1-2; MS-LS1-3; MS-LS1-4
Biology Sample Sites:
Grades 3-5
class code: ck5oqvr
Grades 6-8
class code: ymxdatt