Entries by soundwaters

Testing Water Quality with Rogers International School

Fourth graders from Rogers International School have spent the last two afternoons on the Schooner SoundWaters learning about Long Island Sound, the creatures that call it home, and why it is so important to all of us. More information about the program can be found here.    

Look what the storm dragged in

Here at SoundWaters, the educators were feeling curious about how the animals of Long Island Sound fared after the big storm Tuesday night.  We used seine nets at two different locations in Cove Island Park.  We successfully found small minnows such as Atlantic silversides and Mummichogs as well as pipefish and a large Green Crab. […]

Nestlé Waters Volunteer Day

Volunteers from Nestlé Waters Accounting Department painted 12 rocking chairs, scrubbed 13 tables, 55 chairs and 12 canoes, then fanned out across Cove Island Park to record and collect several bags of debris during their volunteer day at SoundWaters Coastal Center. With their help, we begin the school year spruced and ready to teach the […]

Join SoundWaters at the Live Green Festival this weekend

Be sure and visit SoundWaters at the Live Green family festival at Taylor Farm near Calf Pasture Beach in Norwalk. We’ll be there Saturday and Sunday. You’ll touch and hold marine animals from our Teaching Aquarium, while learning what you do can do to help protect Long Island Sound.

Marine Debris catch of the day

This morning’s trawl brought up some great benthic organisms as well as a child’s plastic watering can. We didn’t find any organisms in the watering can, however there were several slipper snails attached to the plastic as well.

Interesting haul in today’s trawl…

In addition to catching 4 summer flounder, 3 searobins,  a bunch of little scup,  a blue crab and a lot of marine debris: a ghost lobster trap, a child’s fishing rod, a red solo cup encrusted with slipper snails, a shot gun shell and a spider crab tangled in monofiliment line from the fishing pole. […]

New Season, New Beginnings

There are lots of new things happening at the SoundWaters aquarium.  We have tanks filled with new, young animals from the summer.  Yesterday, we discovered Oyster Toadfish eggs in one of our tanks. Unfortunately, with only one Oyster Toadfish in the tank the eggs are unfertilized, but they were interesting to look at!

Norwalk Oyster Festival kicks off SoundWaters fall festival season

SoundWaters terrapin, horseshoe crab, hermit crabs, mussels and oysters captured the imaginations of more than 2,500 children and adults this weekend at the Norwalk Oyster Festival. No doubt Facebook was filled with photos of toddlers in strollers, kids of all ages, their parents and grandparents holding and touching the animals that live right here in […]